Au Moulin De La Passerelle - Hébergement touristique

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Dernière mise à jour le 13/12/2024

English is spoken !

Feel free to come and visit us even if you don't speak a word of French, 

Here is the "passerelle", independant accomodation :

2022 juillet (2)

This is the passerelle at the origin



126 impasse de la Passerelle - Barrier - Grandrif - 63600 Puy-de-Dôme - France

The mill itself is well worth to visit, with its archeological surprises. Christine will be very pleased to explain the system and show the 5 mills of the origin. Flour, oil and even pins for laces factories were made on this site.

Grandrif, a small village in the rolling uplands of the Massif Central, 11 kms East of Ambert in the Livradois-Forez Regional Park.

* Enjoy exploring the countryside surrounding the village and make the most of the excellent hill-walking all the year round, go skiing or tobogganing at the Col des Pradeaux, visit the dam and try out the local inn.

* Go to la Source de la Jarpe (25' walking), and taste the sparkling and ironed water.

* The nearby town of Ambert is listed in the top hundred most beautiful off-the-beaten-track places to visit in France and is famous for its ‘fourme’ cheese, its round town-hall, and as being the setting for Jules Romains’ novel, ‘Les Copains’. Two orginal museums to visit : Musée de l'Energie, Musée de la Fourme ; games and lake near the old station
* See the Richard de Bas paper-mill with its paper-makers’ trail and the "Chemin des Papetiers" (7.5km).
* Visit the old school museum  5 kms away at St-Martin-des-Olmes.

* Have a nice trip on the old train from Ambert to la Chaise-Dieu or ride on velo-rail

* Take a trip to Viverols, a medieval village just 14 kms away. And go further to Volcan de Montpelloux with its special lake.

* Or discover La Chaise-Dieu, with its medieval abbey and annual music festival (35 kms), with iits famous tapestries all renewes recently, the curious "echo room", its pittoresque lake, some good restaurants.

Some documents and leaflets are available in the bedrooms and in the gite to give you more iideas to live more experiences. Please, ask us if you wish to know more

Le Moulin (‘The Mill’) has one double and one twin-bedded room.

  • Both rooms have washbasins with hot and cold running water

  • Bathroom and toilet facilities are adjacent and there is also a reading area with games for all ages.

  • baby-bed if desired

  • free wifi

  • for the meals, many places for pic-nics around the house, a restaurant called "le Grand'Rif" in the village (400m), an auberge at le Col des Pradeaux (6km)

an independant accomodation for 2 to 5 people is ready on the passerelle (please, see photos and prices)

Dernière modification le 19/04/2023

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